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D-tect Systems Rad-DX with iPad

The Rad-DX operates on the D-tect SensorNet - an automatic communication network that allows users to monitor a full network of Rad-DXs as long as they are in range of a single Rad-DX system! The Rad-DX units will automatically form an intelligent, self-healing mesh network, allowing them to be constantly connected to each other as well as to the user network.


Like the rest of the D-tect radiation products, a sensitive scintillation detector allows the Rad-DX to detect even faint sources of radiation within 1 second.

Each Rad-DX can be controlled and monitored by a PC on the network with the DX-View software or across the internet on any Tablet or remote PC with the DX-Dashboard software. All communication is protected through 128-bit encryption. All devices can be monitored in real-time or past event logs can be reviewed. Monitor Rad-DXs on a floor plan or map displays providing an intuitive understanding of the location of a radioactive source. Dose rates can be viewed in multiple graph formats.


There are several supporting products that help make the Rad-DX a robust radiation detection solution. For more information about these accessories, see our DX products page.

To set up your DX Account, visit this page.


The Rad-DX was listed in a Wired online publication as one of the first commercial products to use the Contiki Operating System/Mesh Network. 

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